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How to Say Popular in Spanish: A Guide for Language Learners

Popular in Spanish

If you are learning Spanish, you might have wondered how to say popular in Spanish. This word has several meanings and uses in English, and it can be translated differently depending on the context. In this blog post, we will explain the different ways to say popular in Spanish and give you some examples and tips to use this word correctly. We will also teach you some related expressions that will help you sound more natural and fluent in Spanish.

Popular as well-liked or fashionable

One of the most common meanings of popular is well-liked or fashionable. For example, if someone or something is popular, it means that they have a lot of friends, admirers or followers, or that they are trendy or in style. In this sense, popular can be translated as popular in Spanish. This adjective agrees with the gender and number of the noun it modifies, so it can be popular, populares, popular or populares.

Here are some examples of how to use popular in this sense:

As you can see, sometimes you can use the noun popularidad (popularity) instead of the adjective popular to express the same idea.

Popular in Spanish as widespread or common

Another meaning of popular is widespread or common. For example, if something is popular, it means that it is known or believed by many people, or that it is typical or characteristic of a certain group or culture. In this sense, popular can be translated as generalizado, común or típico in Spanish. These adjectives also agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify.

Here are some examples of how to use popular in this sense:

Notice that sometimes you can still use popular in this sense, especially when it refers to something that belongs to the folk or traditional culture of a place.

Popular as of or for the people

A third meaning of popular is of or for the people. For example, if something is popular, it means that it is related to the ordinary people or the masses, or that it represents their interests or opinions. In this sense, popular can be translated as popular or del pueblo in Spanish. These adjectives are usually used before the noun they modify.

Here are some examples of how to use popular in this sense:

Related expressions with popular

Besides these meanings, there are some expressions with popular that you should know if you want to speak Spanish like a native. Here are some of them:


As you can see, there are different ways to say popular in Spanish, depending on the meaning and context. You can use popular, generalizado, común, típico or del pueblo as adjectives, or popularidad as a noun. You can also use some expressions with popular to sound more natural and fluent in Spanish. We hope this blog post has helped you learn how to say popular in Spanish, and that you will use this word confidently in your conversations. If you want to learn more Spanish words and phrases, check out our other blog posts or visit our website for more resources. Hasta la próxima! (See you next time!)

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